
April 2019

TIPS for New Sod After Care

2019-04-19T13:22:30-07:00April 19th, 2019|Categories: Fertilizing, Power Rake, Sod|Tags: , , , |

Protect your new sod Water 15 minutes per zone, twice per day, twice per week Fertilizing 5 times throughout season with a granular fertilizer, applied every 4 weeks If your new sod isn't looking very good. Here are some tips.If you have Kentucky blue grass and you can act now with:1) Watering 15

About Sod Installation in Calgary

2019-04-14T19:49:40-07:00April 14th, 2019|Categories: Sod, Spring, Yard Care|Tags: |

Considerations for Your Sod Installation Project Grading Cutting the Sod Watering Aftercare Cutting height Grading The Sod Installation process begins by excavating and removing existing vegetation to be hauled away for recycling. If your soil is still good condition we then use a high-powered tiller to re-oxygenate

Types of Sod for Calgary

2019-04-14T17:46:50-07:00April 14th, 2019|Categories: Sod, Spring, Yard Care|Tags: , , , |

Sod Installation: Kentucky Blue Grass or Freedom Fescue? Kentucky Bluegrass is used on golf courses in Alberta Freedom Fescue is used along Calgary roadways as a way of stabilizing soil Kentucky Blue GrassThis particular Sod installation uses a cool season grass, which is why you will see it maintaining it’s colour through our wet