yard care

April 2019

TIPS for New Sod After Care

2019-04-19T13:22:30-06:00April 19th, 2019|Categories: Fertilizing, Power Rake, Sod|Tags: , , , |

Protect your new sod Water 15 minutes per zone, twice per day, twice per week Fertilizing 5 times throughout season with a granular fertilizer, applied every 4 weeks If your new sod isn't looking very good. Here are some tips.If you have Kentucky blue grass and you can act now with:1) Watering 15

Why is core aeration important for your lawn?

2019-04-19T11:19:15-06:00April 19th, 2019|Categories: Aeration|Tags: , , |

Benefits of aerating your lawn Better oxygen utilization and nutrient uptake Lawn is more drought and wear tolerant. Strong roots resist pest better Allowing better oxygen utilization, water efficiency and nutrient uptake are important but it does not end there. With a changing climate Calgary can become quite warm in

Tips for Spring Melt: All About Flood Mitigation

2019-04-15T04:48:38-06:00April 14th, 2019|Categories: Gutters, Snow Clearing, Spring|Tags: , , , , |

A rapid spring melt could bring big trouble for many home-owners in our yard care network. Take a trip with me on how an ounce of property care is worth a pound of cure.