Benefits of aerating your lawn

  • Better oxygen utilization and nutrient uptake
  • Lawn is more drought and wear tolerant.

  • Strong roots resist pest better

Allowing better oxygen utilization, water efficiency and nutrient uptake are important but it does not end there. With a changing climate Calgary can become quite warm in July through September. So by making your 5000 square foot space more accepting of rain water you then can create an environment that is both drought and wear tolerant.

Drought and wear tolerance is a result of the root zone, which has been given more space to grow via removing the compacted earth. When the root zone has more space it can then absorb more water. A larger root zone becomes a stronger root zone, which now can resist the increased pestilence that a dryer climate brings.

Core Aeration Improves Roots of Lawn Yard Busters Calgary

Core Aeration Improves Roots of Lawn Yard Busters Calgary