May 2020

8 Tips to Care for Your Lawn All Summer

2020-05-09T03:36:15-06:00May 9th, 2020|Categories: Yard Care|

8 Tips to Care for Your Lawn All Summer It takes an unprecedented effort to maintain your lawn and prepare it for the summer.  Summers are the time when your lawn suffers most damage due to scorching heat. This results in unhealthy grass. It is neither fresh nor green. To keep

April 2019

What kind of Christmas Lighting is used for Trees in Calgary?

2019-04-23T22:58:39-06:00April 23rd, 2019|Categories: Christmas Lighting|Tags: , , , |

TREE LIGHTING Evergreens Deciduous Tree lighting can be achieved with either small bulbs (C3 or C6) or large bulbs (C7 or C9). However, there are situations when one type of bulb will look better over another. But if you are ever in doubt choose C6 lighting. The C6 lighting produces the most

Calgary Styles of Christmas Lighting for Your Home

2019-04-23T23:04:50-06:00April 23rd, 2019|Categories: Christmas Lighting|Tags: , , , , |

Christmas Home Lighting Styles Formal Modern Icicles There are 3 different light installations for houses. The first type of install is the Formal Lighting install. This install duplicates a more traditional style of set up. The second type of lighting install is Modern Lighting, which is free flowing

All about paving stone installation in Calgary

2020-01-20T12:24:22-07:00April 19th, 2019|Categories: Landscaping, Paving Stone|Tags: , , |

Paving Stone Installation Steps Base Layers Leveling layer Paving stones Joint Lock Base Layers In Calgary, your sub-base material, for the most part, is clay. In some areas, you may have silt, and in other areas, you may have rock bed. The most desirable sub-base for a

TIPS for New Sod After Care

2019-04-19T13:22:30-06:00April 19th, 2019|Categories: Fertilizing, Power Rake, Sod|Tags: , , , |

Protect your new sod Water 15 minutes per zone, twice per day, twice per week Fertilizing 5 times throughout season with a granular fertilizer, applied every 4 weeks If your new sod isn't looking very good. Here are some tips.If you have Kentucky blue grass and you can act now with:1) Watering 15

Yard Busters at an Exterior Window Washing Event

2019-04-19T11:59:56-06:00April 19th, 2019|Categories: Window Washing|Tags: , , |

I earned a spot to attend a one-week exterior washing event. And it was amazing! While at the event, I had many skilled house-washing instructors. Now I am excited to bring this refreshing pace to Calgary house washing.